Our youngest LyonSmith child, Reid, is more mild than his sisters (which is about the only way a little boy is going to make it in this household). Like it’s namesake, Reid’s Mild is pretty easy to love - a lower ABV makes it sessionable, but the darker malts give it a complexity not found in light American beers. A minimal hop presence insures that this malt-forward beer doesn’t present as cloying.
In 1814, at a brewery in London, there was a terrible accident. A large fermentation tank ruptured, sending over one hundred thousand gallons of beer roaring through the streets of London. Seven people were killed, buildings were knocked down and the brewery was ruined. Its Contents? Porter, the drink of the working class at the time. We honor those people with our porter, a robust version with roasted malt character and a fair hint of peat smokiness.
Rhiannon was the Celtic queen of witches and horses. She is also our first daughter, and the beer that started this all. It is a malt showcase: not overly sweet, but complex with a bready body. Hops are certainly present, with a floral character that is reminiscent of stone fruits.
2017 Tap NY SILVER Medal Winner!
Fiery is the child for which this beer is named. Like this child, our Pale Ale is beautiful: slightly red, copper colored beer with a fairly even blend of malt sweetness and hop aggressiveness. Rather indicative of the Pales that can be found in London. The hop blend lends an earthy, woody character and complexity.
2016 Tap NY GOLD Medal Winner!
Named for Robert the Bruce, or “Good King Robert” of Scotland. Yes, the one from Braveheart. No, not the guy played by Mel Gibson, that’s William Wallace. A 60 Shilling Ale is the lightest of the Scottish Ales, named for the cost of a hogshead (51 Imperial Gallons) of the beer. Malty but not sweet, this one finishes clean. More refreshing than you think! Don’t let the color or name throw you. This is an excellent dog days sipper.
Brits get four weeks of vacation annually. Generally, two of those weeks are taken over the summer school holiday, and many people travel to Dorset. This beer is perfect for those English summer days, light and spritzy with notes of citrus and ginger. The mash is special because it is one quarter wheat, which swings this beer like a cricket bowler.
When colonizing (read as taking by gunpoint) new territories, the British got extremely inventive with their beer. They would rely on what was available for brewing instead of shipping finished product, when possible. When colonizing the Americas, they had many amazing ingredients to work with. In that vein of local and inventive, we present our Apple Graff. Half malty dark beer, half fermented apple juice - all
New York State grown products.
Braggot is an ancient style, the oldest recorded beers have honey as a fermentable. The British truly embraced the style, with commercial examples brewed up to the 1800’s. In fact, the name Braggot comes from the Gaelic and Welsh languages. Our version plays the sweet floral notes of local wildflower honey off the dry spiciness of rye. Throw in some light hop notes, and you have a fantastic lead off on our Fall line up.
Stingy Jack tricked the Devil when he came to collect Jack’s soul. He asked the Devil to take him out for one more night of drinking on the Devil’s dime. When the time came to pay the tab Satan turned into a coin, which Jack scooped up and put in his pocket with a cross, trapping him. When Jack demanded that he never be sent to Hell, Satan tricked him back cursing him to walk forever with a carved gourd lantern leading others to Hell. He was Jack-o’-the-lantern. Just in time for All- Hollows Eve, comes this amazing Brown Ale brewed with pumpkin (that’s puimcin to you Celts!). The squash adds an awesome, rich mouthfeel and unique taste to this malty Brown.
Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote the poem which became the song that we sing at New Year’s. The saying means literally “old long since”, or colloquially, “long times ago”. Our Auld Ale is perfect for toasting those times long gone, with flavors reminiscent of port: raisin or prune-like with vinous characteristics, somewhat boozy and extremely low hoppiness. Meant to be enjoyed slowly, as the true personality of this beer is most appreciable at cellaring temperatures (50’s), and with the opportunity to breathe.
The English tradition of the Lord of Misrule was a holdover from Saturnalia, the Roman winter festival of drunken debauchery. A commoner was chosen to serve as the Lord of Misrule over the Christmas holiday, and his job was to make mischief and merriment. Nearly everyone was to obey the chosen one. This Winter Warmer is an excellent way to celebrate the season, warming with the alcohol, finishing sweet and tasting slightly of dark fruit. Let this one come up to cellaring temperature, and make some mischief and debauchery of your own!
This one is to honor a beer near and dear to our brewer’s heart. This beer gives our mash tun a good workout: Black Malt, Roasted Barley and Chocolate Malt give a slight baker’s chocolate flavor and bitterness, while the Caramel 120 gives a subtle raisin/prune character. They make this beer sinfully dark. Oats give a nice mouth-feel and head retention. The hops are present but muted. Made in time for St. Pat’s, because drinking green-dyed American Light Lagers is stupid.
Windsor Castle is the residence of Her Majesty the Queen. It is the oldest and largest fully operational castle in the world. Not to be confused with a “new castle”, much like this beer!! This Northern English Brown Ale is delicious, with a nutty, somewhat sweet malt character and delicate hop aroma. Weighing in at the lower end of 5% ABV, this is on the lighter side of our selections. Flavorful and lower in alcohol, we could drink it all day!
2021 New York State Craft Beer Festival
Gold Medal Winner
In medieval times, the Church dictated nearly all aspects of daily life. It also had its thumb in the brewer’s kettle. Healers had long used beers with herbs and spices as treatments. Any beer not containing hops were deemed to be witchcraft by the Church, and the brewer subject to stiff penalty. Beers without hops are gruits, and this one is true sorcery. Dandelion leaf for bittering and lavender and a few other secret ingredients make this beer a truly special homage to those in the craft.
LyonSmith Brewing Co.
2597 assembly avenue, keuka park, ny 14478